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Wind power stations, also known as wind farms, exploit the kinetic energy of the wind to move the blades of an aerogenerator. This movement of the shaft of the blades results in a high speed in the shaft of the rotor which produces electricity.

Wind farms are a clean way of generating electricity. When installing them it is necessary to study the wind regimen to make it profitable. Wind  is a totally free source of energy, although diffuse and intermittent.

Cuestionario SCORM


The disadvantages of these plants are


The wind is a source of free energy

The wind is a source of difuse and intermittent energy

The wind is not a profitable source of energy


In wind farms the wind moves


The blades of a windmill

The blades of an aerogenerator

The blades of a turbine


Current technology


helps us use all kinds of wind, this makes it very profitable

helps us use vertical and horizontal winds simultaneously

helps us take advantage only of horizontal winds which are close to the ground


According to statistics


A better use of this type of energy is achieved

The exploitation of this type of energy has reached a stability which lasts for years

Wind power is being less used in favour of other types of energy.

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