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In these plants solar radiation is reflected in mirrors (heliostats) and is directed to a boiler located at a certain hieht to heat the fluid in it. This fluid transfers the heat in an exchanger in order to generate steam. The steam produced here is used to drive a turbine and thus the shaft of the turbine produces electricity in a generator.

They are non-polluting plants and they used free fuels. In contrast, this is a random and discontinuous energy due to the sunlight hours, this type of power plants are expensive and their performance is low in comparison to other conventional power plants.

Cuestionario SCORM


The fluid in a boiler is heated by the sunrays which  come


Directly from the Sun

After being reflected in a mirror

From photovoltaic cells


The disadvantages of these power plants are


Their high levels of pollution and their high costs

Their low perfomance and the fact that they are noisy

Their energy is random and discontinuous


What are heliostats?


Big boilers where the fluid is heated

Turbines in motion

Big mirrors where the Sun is reflected


In these power plants we can find


A boiler, a turbine and a generator

A turbine, a photovoltaic cell and a generator

A turbine, heliostats and aerogenerators

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