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Geothermal power plants produce electricity from the heat stored in the Earth's interior.To do this, holes are drilled in the ground to access the hot layers. An underground piping system allows the water flowing through the pipes to be heated; this hot water is converted into steam which goes directly to a turbine, which dirves a generator that produces electricity.

Geothermal power an inexhaustible, clean energy. However, not all regions are appropriate for its exploitation.

Cuestionario SCORM


Among the disadvantages we find the fact that


It is very polluting

It is inexhaustible and clean

It has a limited exploitation


Geothermal power stations produce electricity from the heat


Stored in the Earth's interior

In volcanos

stored in active zones of the crust


In geothermal power plants


There are no boilers or turbines for the production of electricity

There is a direct transformation of calorific energy to electrical energy with no intermediate processes

The steam coming up from the subsoil at a very high speed moves the turbine.

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