Good afternoon to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and importan information students should know about this week lessons.

1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

This week students are going to revise ‘passive voice’. For this purpose, in Google Classroom task 11 students can find 2 links in which passive voice is explained and they can also find the tasks related to it. During this week, students have to do three different worksheets, after having watched the videos. The two first worksheets deal with the explanation and practise of passive voice and the third is a reading exercise about ‘product journey’. The tasks must be handed in before Thursday at 14.30 p.m. when we will have our video conference lesson. In this lesson, the three worksheets will be corrected and doubts about the topic will be solved. Further information about the task can be found in Google Classroom and the worksheets can be found in I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons, from Monday to Friday,  to answer any doubt or question students might have.

1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

This week students are going to revise ‘future tense’ (will and be going to). For this purpose, in Google Classroom task 8 students can find 2 links in which ‘future tense’ is explained and they can also find the tasks related to it. During this week, students have to do three different worksheets. First, in order to remember past simple students have to do a Listening activity. Then, they have to watch the videos where ‘future tense’ is explained. After the videos, students have to do worksheets number 2 and 3 which include exercises about the tense revised this week. The tasks must be handed in before Thursday at 15.25 p.m. when we will have our video conference lesson. In this lesson, the three worksheets will be corrected and doubts about the topic will be solved. Further information about the task can be found in Google Classroom and the worksheets can be found in I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons, from Monday to Friday,  to answer any doubt or question students might have.

Good morning to every parent and student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks for today lessons.

1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

Students are going to continue with unit 7. Today they have to work with page 81 vocabulary about Money and Finance. Students have to do all the exercises included in this page and hand them in as we have been doing. They will find the listening track they need in Google Classroom, as well as further instructions to perform the task for today.

I will be available during the two hours of our lessons for any question or doubt students might have.


1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

Students will start working the Past tense. For these purpose they have been given two different links where the issue is explained in both English and Spanish.

English Link:
Spanish Link:

Student will find an attached worksheet in Google Classroom. From this worksheet they only have to do exercises 1,2,3 and 4. Students will hand the exercises in as we have been doing in the rest of the sessions.

I will be available during our lesson time just in case some doubt or question may arise.


Good morning to every father, mother or student reading these entry;

Here you have the instructions for today tasks

3ª ESO D

Students will have to do a Writing Test for which they have the instructions in Google Classroom. The test should be performed during their lesson time.

I will be available the whole hour of their lesson to answer the questions they might have.


2º Bachillerato B

Students will have a video conference explaining them how they have to do a Descriptive Essay. Apart from the video lesson, they will have plenty of materials explaining the issue attached to today task in Google Classroom. In addition, they will have to hand a piece of writing in this topic tomorrow morning in their usual lesson time.

I will be available the whole hour of their lesson to answer the questions they might have


2º Peluquería y Estética; 2º Mantenimiento de Vehículos

Muy buenos días a todas y todos!

La tarea de hoy es muy sencilla. La ficha que os adjunto es un reading (un texto para leer). Leedlo tranquilas/os y traducir todo aquello que necesitéis. Después solo tenéis que hacer los ejercicios que aparecen debajo. Como hemos estado haciendo, una vez que tengáis los ejercicios hechos, les hacéis una foto, los adjuntáis a la tarea y la entregáis.

Ya sabéis que estaré disponible para cualquier duda durante la hora de clase


1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

Students will have to do a Writing Test for which they have the instructions in Google Classroom. The test should be performed during their lesson time.

I will be available the whole hour of their lesson to answer the questions they might have.


1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar.

Students will have to do a Reading Test for which they have the instructions in Google Classroom. The test should be performed during their lesson time.

I will be available the whole hour of their lesson to answer the questions they might have.



Muy buenas a todos/as los padres/madres y alumnos/as!

En la entrada de hoy podéis encontrar el trabajo que tiene que realizar el alumnado del Grado Superior de Comercio Internacional y el del Grado Medio de Peluquería y cosmética capilar. Como siempre todas las tareas, documentos y materiales que necesitan podrán encontrarlos los alumnos en sus clases de Google Classroom.



Good afternoon everybody!
Before giving you the instructions for the task I want to say you that on Wednesday and Thursday we are going to do the two tests that we were supposed to do last week, that is, reading and writing (I will give you the instructions tomorrow).
Today we are going to start with unit 7, we will work pages 78 and 79.
First, you have to watch the video in this link, you also have a summary of the explanation under the video ( I hope you like it, as I found it extremely funny)

0, 1st, 2nd and 3rd conditional:

Second, you have to do exercises 2, 4 and 5 in page 78 ( I have attached the tracks you need for them in this task). Then, you have to do the Focus box, exercise 6 and exercise 7 in page 79.
Finally, you you will have to do exercises included in the worksheet I attached.

As we have been doing, when you have them finished, sent pictures of them to class work section and I will be sending you the answer for the exercises. If you have any question, I will be available during hour lessons time.

I hope everything is going well.



Las alumnas y alumnos de peluquería y cosmética capilar tienen que realizar dos exámenes, un listening y un writing. Para el Listening pueden encontrar toda la información necesaria para la realización en Google Classroom, ya que lo realizarán a través de un link. Para el Writing, que anteriormente ya han trabajado en clase, tendrán que crear un documento de word que posteriormente deberán adjuntar en la sección de Tareas de clase y entregar la tarea como ya hicieron la semana pasada.

Estaré disponible para resolver dudas y contestar a preguntas durante el horario que normalmente tenemos de clase.