Good morning to every parent and students reading this entry!

Today there are no tasks for students. I want to congratulate you for the work you have doing during these days. I’m going to leave you some links where you can practise English language. Take a look at them and practise some of the exercises during this Easter, you will find reading, writing, listening and speaking activities, apart form some grammar explanations


I hope you all have a happy Easter!!!!

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!!

Here you have the Tasks for today.


2º Bachillerato B

Students are going to start working ‘relative clauses’. For this purpose, they will find in Google Classroom three different links explaining the issue in a funny way, as well as a worksheet with the whole explanation. For today students do not have to do any activity, they have to watch the videos and revise the explanation attached. Further explanations will be done after Easter break. As I have been doing, I will be available de whole morning and part of the afternoon to answer any question students might have.

Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:


3º ESO D

Students are going to start working ‘present and past simple passive’. For this purpose, they will find in Google Classroom two different links, one explaining the topic in Spanish and  another explaining the topic in English. In addition, they will also find a worksheet attached to the task in which they have a little explanation of the issue. For today students do not have to do any exercise, they just have to revise all the material that have been provided. Further explanations will be made after Easter break. I will be available during the students’ lesson time in case they have any question.

Here you have the links they need:

Link 1:
Link 2:


2º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética y 2º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

For today students only have to finish some of the exercises in the worksheet they started working yesterday. That is, yesterday we started working Past simple, so students have to do exercises 5, 6 and 7 from the worksheet they received. I will be available during their lesson time in case they have any question.


1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

Today we are going to have a video conference at the time of our lesson, at 14.30. We are going to deal with some doubts students have about some of the exercises they have done, we will made some corrections and some explanations will be also given.


1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

Today we are going to have a video conference at the time of our lesson, at 15.25. We are going to deal with some doubts students have about some of the exercises they have done, we will made some corrections and some explanations will be also given.

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks for today.

3º ESO D

Good morning everyone!

Today we are going to work page 72. Today you have to do a Reading activity. First, you have to read the text and look for the words you do not know in the dictionary. Then you have to do exercises 2 and 3. You have to do them in your notebooks, once you have them done, take a picture of them and attach it to class work. Don’t forget to hand the task in.

I will be available in case you have any doubt or question at our lesson time and the whole morning.


2º Bachillerato B

Good morning everyone!

Today we are going to have a video conference so as to know how things are going. Then we will deal with vocabulary in unit 6. You have to work page 68 of your workbooks. Try to look for the meaning of those words or expressions you do not know. We will do this during our conference, but for those who cannot enter feel free to ask any question you might have as I will be available the whole morning and part of the afternoon.


1º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética

Good morning everyone!

I will send students the material they need to the emails I have been receiving. Today we are going to work with present continuous, as last weeks we did not. You are going to receive 2 links explaining the issue and a worksheet with some exercises. You have to do the exercises in the worksheet. You have to do them in your notebooks, then take a picture of them and send it to me through email. If you have any question feel free to ask me along the morning and part of the afternoon.


2º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética; y 2º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

Good morning everyone!

Today we are going to start working Past simple. We will start with the verb ” Be” . In the links you will find all the information you need. Once you have watched the videos, you have to do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. We will work with the rest of the exercises in the following sessions. If you have any question, you already know that I will be available during our lesson time and during part of the afternoon, so feel free to ask any doubt.

Here you have the links:

English Link
Spanish Link


1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

Good afternoon everyone!

Today we are going to work with page 82 of your student book. You have to do exercises 7 and 8, that is, an exercises remembering vocabulary we dealt yesterday and 8 a reading activity. Once you have done the exercises in your notebooks take a picture of them and  attach it to Class work in Google Classroom. If you have any question, I will be available during our lesson time and during part of the afternoon.


Good morning to every parent or students reading this entry.

Here you have the tasks for today.


2º Bachillerato B.

Students have to work pages 66 and 67 form their students’ book. From page 66, they only have to do exercise 2, but form page 67 they have to do exercises 4, 5 and 6. Once they have done them in their notebooks, they have to take a photograph and send it through Google Classroom. Corrections will be made when students have handed the task in.

I will be available for answering any question or doubt during the lesson time.


1º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos.

Students have to do the Term Test. They will find instructions and a link to the test in Google Classroom. The time devoted to the text will be from 10.20 to 11.15 ( our usual lesson time). I will be available during this time to answer any question or to try to solve any problem students might have.


3º ESO D

Students are going to work with pages 106 and 107 of their workbook. As we are starting a new unit ( unit 6) students have to work with the vocabulary included in it. Further information might be found in Google classroom. The task have to be handed in before Wednesday at 8.30. 

I will be available for answering any question or doubt during the lesson time.