Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and information students need to know about today lessons.

2º Bachillerato B

The EBAU exams from June, 2019 have been corrected and explained in yesterday and today video conference lessons. Students can find the key for the two exams in Google Classroom Task 11. For next week, students have to revise relative clauses. For this purpose, in Google Classroom students can find three links explaining the issue and a pdf document which also explains the grammatical point. Next week, relative clauses will be explained to students. If there is any question or doubt, I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons from Monday to Friday to answer them.

2º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética y 2º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

Students were sent a worksheet dealing with food vocabulary yesterday. This worksheet has to be handed in today and it have been corrected during the video conference lesson scheduled for today. After the lesson, a document including the key for the worksheet has been uploaded to Google Classroom. If there is any question or doubt, I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons from Monday to Friday to answer them.

3º ESO D

In today video conference lesson pages 82 and 83 have been corrected. In addition, Past Simple and Comparative and superlative adjectives have been also explained during the video conference. After the lesson, a document with the translation of the vocabulary has been uploaded to Google Classroom to help those students who have not finished the task yet. Apart form this document, the grammatical explanation carried during the lesson has been also uploaded in a pdf format to help students with the task sent for next Monday. For next Monday, students have to do exercises in page 81 which deal with Past Simple and Comparative and Superlative Adjectives. If there is any question or doubt, I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons from Monday to Friday to answer them.

1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

Today students are going to have a video conference lesson. During this lesson, exercises included in their student’s book page 84 and 85 will be corrected and some issues will be explained. After the lesson, a pdf document will be uploaded in their Google Classroom site. This document will contain the key for the exercises, as well as those important issues dealt during the lesson. If there is any question or doubt, I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons from Monday to Friday to answer them.

1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

On Tuesday video conference lesson students revised Past Simple and  they were sent a worksheet with exercises dealing with the topic. Students have to do the exercises from the worksheet and hand it in before the end of their timetable lesson on Thursdays (at 16.20).  If there is any question or doubt, I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons from Monday to Friday to answer them.

Buenos días.

Hoy los alumnos tienen que terminar las fichas de la semana, así que tienen que hacer la número 14, 15 y 16.

Deseo a todos los padres, madres y alumnos que disfruten de este próximo sábado paseando y haciendo deporte al aire libre, siempre atendiendo a las medidas y condiciones de seguridad, por supuesto.



Planning para esta semana:

miércoles 29: en clase online veremos la estructura “what’s it for?”and “functions of remote controls”.

jueves 30: en clase online veremos “tools and equipment” e introduciremos el “past simple” del verbo “to be”.

Como tareas debéis hacer en el cuaderno de fichas interactivas la 3, 4, 5 y 6. Corresponden a contenido de repaso: greetings and introductions, cardinal and ordinal numbers, and days of the week. La fecha tope de entrega será el viernes.

La ficha interactiva número 7 sobre “ordering food” es un listening. Su fecha tope de entrega será el lunes 4 de mayo.

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry

Here you have the tasks and the information students need to know about today lessons.

3º ESO D

Today students have to keep working vocabulary of their student’s book starter unit. In Google classroom  Task 11 students can find a pdf file which contains the vocabulary (page 82) and three exercises (page 83) about it. Students have to translate the vocabulary in page 82 and they have to do the exercises from page 83 too. The exercises must be handed in before the start of our video conference lessons at 11.45.  I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoon to answer questions or doubts students might have.


2º Bachillerato B

Students are going to have a video conference lesson today from 10.20 to 11.15. In this video conference lesson, the two EBAU exams (June 2019, options A and B) sent last Friday will be corrected. After the lesson, a pdf file will be uploaded containing the solutions for the exams and the important issues which have been dealt during the session. Tomorrow students will have another video conference lesson in which some gramatical points will be explained. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoon to answer questions or doubts students might have.

1º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética

Students are going to have a video conference lesson today form 12.40 to 13.35. In this video conference lesson, the worksheet sent last week ( Present simple and Present continuous) will be corrected. After the correction, students will revise There is/ There are and prepositions. Once the lesson is finished, students will be sent a worksheet dealing with these gramatical aspects and revising parts of the house vocabulary. Students will have to do the exercises 1,2. 3 and 4 from the worksheet during this week and they will have a video conference lesson next week in order to correct it. The worksheet must be handed in before the start of our next week lesson at 12.40. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoon to answer questions or doubts students might have.

2º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética y 2º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

For this week, vocabulary related to food will be revised. In Google Classroom, students can find a pdf worksheet containing some exercises about the topic. Students have to do theses exercises for tomorrow video conference lesson in which we will correct them. After the lesson, a pdf file will be uploaded containing the solutions for the exams and the important issues which have been dealt during the session.I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoon to answer questions or doubts students might have.

1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

Today students will have to finish the writing task they can find in their student’s book page 83, exercise 6, and which was sent last week. In addition, they have to finish exercises sent yesterday which they can find in pages 84 and 85 from their students’ book. These task have to be handed in before the start of tomorrow video conference lesson. Students might find any further information in their Google Classroom site. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoon to answer questions or doubts students might have.

Good afternoon to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and the information students need to know about today lessons.


1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

For this week students are going to work pages 84 and 85 from their student’s book. From page 84, they have to do exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4 and, from page 85, they have to do the Focus box, exercise 7 and exercise 8. Students might find any further information and the recordings for the listening exercises in  Google Classroom. These exercises will be corrected on Thursday 30th April in our video conference lesson. After the lesson, a document will be upload including the key for the exercises and the important information dealt in class. For Thursday lesson, students can find the link to access their video conference in their Google Classroom site. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.


1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

Students are going to revise Past simple tense during this week. For this purpose they will have a video conference lesson to explain the whole issue this afternoon from 16.20 to 17.15. After the lesson, Task 6 will be uploaded to Google Classroom. Within this task students will find a worksheet containing 5 exercises and some links that explain Past Simple too. This worksheet must be done and handed in before Thursday at 16.20.I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.


I hope everything is going well with the quarantine!


Buenos días.

Hoy, los alumnos de 4ºAX tienen que hacer las fichas 12 y 13.


Después del claustro de profesores celebrado ayer por la tarde, les describo más en detalle el modo de calificar en este final de curso:

La nota final será la media de la primera y segunda evaluación.

-Los alumnos que estén aprobados, tendrán la posibilidad de subir hasta 2 puntos esa nota.
¿Cómo? En el caso de mi asignatura de inglés, realizando todas las fichas de + las tareas que se publiquen en la sección “Trabajo de clase” en Classroom. Según los resultados y el esfuerzo de este trimestre, los alumnos podrán subir su nota desde medio punto hasta 2 puntos, que es el máximo. Si no realizan todas las fichas y tareas, no podrán subir los 2 puntos. Es decir, que no es suficiente con hacer 2 fichas de un total de 8, por ejemplo.

-Aquellos alumnos que estén suspensos, tendrán que hacer todas las fichas de su cuaderno de recuperación para poder aprobar la asignatura, como ya comenté en una publicación anterior. Además, también deberán hacer todas las tareas que se publiquen en la sección “Trabajo de clase” en Classroom. Si no realizan todas las fichas y todas las tareas, estarán suspensos y tendrán que ir a septiembre.

Otro acuerdo al que se ha llegado en el claustro de profesores es que todo aquel que no se conecte a las videoclases, tendrá falta en Plumier. En mi caso, las videoconferencias son sólo para revisar las fichas y resolver dudas. Aun así, es importante que los alumnos estén porque veo que hay muchas fichas que las hacen mal y seguro que hay cosas que no entienden y no preguntan. Por lo tanto, a partir de ahora, deben conectarse a las videoconferencias en Meet para hacer ese repaso de las fichas. También aprovecharemos esas clases para practicar “speaking”.

El horario de videoconferencias es el siguiente:

2ºAX: Lunes para los alumnos que llevan el cuaderno general y jueves para los que llevan el cuaderno de recuperación.

4ºAX: Martes para los alumnos que llevan el cuaderno general y jueves para los que llevan el cuaderno de recuperación.

1ºBachilleratoB: Lunes para los alumnos que llevan el cuaderno general y viernes para los que llevan el cuaderno de recuperación.

3BAF: Viernes para todos los alumnos, ya que sólo hay un par de ellos que necesitan hacer el cuaderno de recuperación.


Ante cualquier duda, pueden ustedes escribir un comentario en esta publicación. Igualmente, pueden contactarme a través de Mirador, como siempre.

¡Hola a tod@s!

Planning para la semana del 27 al 1 de mayo (el viernes no tendremos clase porque es fiesta):

martes 28: veremos los ejercicios del libro correspondientes al vocabulario del tema 9.

  • Tareas para entregar fecha tope el jueves 30: ficha interactiva sobre los adjetivos relativos a la personalidad tanto del cliente como del vendedor.
  • Ficha interactiva sobre un role play entre el comprador y el vendedor, cuya fecha tope es el viernes 1.

Puesto que el viernes no hay clase, estad atentos a la publicación de tareas con fecha de entrega para el lunes 4 de mayo.

¡Hola a tod@s!

Planning para semana del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo (teniendo en cuenta que el 1 de mayo es fiesta, no daremos clase online ese día):

martes 28: veremos los sufijos “noun suffixes” y repasaremos el vocabulario del tema 7. Tendréis que realizar las siguientes tareas con fecha tope de entrega para el viernes 1 de mayo: ficha interactiva sobre los sufijos (noun suffixes) y, como repaso, ficha sobre los tiempos verbales (verbal tenses).

Teniendo en cuenta que el viernes no daremos clase, estad atentos a la publicación de tareas que se añadirán con fecha de entrega para el lunes 4 de mayo.

¡Hola a tod@s!

martes 28: como avance de contenido veremos el futuro continuo y el futuro perfecto (future continuous and future perfect ) en el tema 7. Tendréis que realizar las siguientes tareas con fecha tope de entrega para el viernes 1 de mayo: ficha interactiva sobre el futuro continuo y el futuro perfecto y, como repaso, ficha sobre el pasado simple y el pasado continuo.

jueves 30: veremos el vocabulario sobre el tiempo (the weather) del tema 7.Tendréis que realizar las siguientes tareas con fecha tope de entrega para el lunes 4 de mayo: ficha interactiva sobre el vocabulario relacionado con el tiempo y, como repaso, ficha sobre el presente perfecto simple y el presente perfecto continuo.