Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and important information students need to know about today lessons.

2º Bachillerato B

EBAU exams from September 2019 have been uploaded to Google Classroom and they can be found in Task 13. Students have to do both options A and B. These exams will be corrected in the video conference lessons on Wednesday and Thursday from next week. In addition, students have to finish the two worksheets they can find in dealing with relative clauses. These two worksheets, which were sent on Wednesday 6th of May, must be done and handed in before Monday at 8.30 a.m. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.

3º ESO D

Students are going to have a video conference lesson today from 10.20 to 11.15. During the lesson, grammar from unit 1 of their student’s book will be revised, explained and practised through some exercises. After the lesson, a PDF document will be uploaded to Google Classroom containing the exercises done in class and the key for them. In this way,  students who cannot attend the lesson can practise grammar and correct the exercises. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.

I hope you all have a nice weekend!

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and the important information students have to know about today lessons.

2º Bachillerato B

Today students have had a video conference lesson in which ‘how to write an informal email ‘  has been explained. After the lesson two different PDF documents have been uploaded in Google Classroom. One of the documents contains the scoring rubric used for correcting the email in EBAU exams and the other document contains information about how to write an informal email, as well as useful sentences that can be used while writing the email. It is very important for students to have a clear idea about what they have to do in EBAU exam and how they have to do it, so these documents should be revised. I will be available in the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubts students might have.

3º ESO D

Today students are going to have a video conference lesson. In this lesson, the vocabulary and the exercises related to it ( both included in task 12 ) will be corrected and explained. After the lesson, a PDF document will be uploaded to Google classroom containing the key for the vocabulary, the key  the exercises and the important information dealt in class. I will be available in the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubts students might have.

1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

This week students are revising vocabulary and grammar from unit 7 of their student’s book. For this purpose, they were asked to do four worksheets which can be found in the web page (Further information could be found in Task 10 in Google Classroom sent on Tuesday 5th May ). Today students will have a video conference lesson in which these exercises will be corrected and those doubts students might have will be solved. After the lesson, a PDF document will be uploaded to Google Classroom containing the key for the exercises and the important information dealt in class. I will be available in the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubts students might have.


1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

This week students are working unit 12 from their student’s book. On Tuesday 5th of May, 2020 (Task 7 in Google Classroom), students were asked to do a translation of the text appearing in page 26 and exercises 2,3 and 4 from pages 26 and 27. In today video conference lesson, this task  and some past simple exercises sent before will be corrected. After the lesson, a PDF document will be uploaded to Google Classroom containing the key for the exercises and the important information dealt in class. I will be available in the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubts students might have.

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and the important information students have to know about today lessons.

3º ESO D

Students continue revising the vocabulary included in Unit 1 of their student’s book. They have to do the exercises they can find attached to Task 12 in Google Classroom. The document attached contains two pages, the  vocabulary of the unit in page 86 and some exercises about the vocabulary in page 87. Tomorrow students will have a video conference lesson where theses exercises will be corrected. After the lesson, a pdf document will be uploaded containing the key for the exercises and the important information dealt in class. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to solve those doubts or questions students might have.

2º Bachillerato B

Today students will have a video conference lesson from 10.20 to 11.15. During the lesson,  the reading task sent on Monday 4th May, 2020 will be corrected. Further information about the task could be found in Google Classroom. In addition, students will be explained ‘relative pronouns’ and ‘relative clauses’. They will be also sent some exercises about this topic through These exercises will be handed in on Friday 8th of May. After the lesson,  a pdf document will be uploaded containing the key for the exercises and the important information dealt in class. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to solve those doubts or questions students might have.

1º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética

Today students will have a video conference lesson from 12.40 to 13.35. During the lesson, the exercises sent last week will be corrected and To Be (past simple) is going to be explained. This week, students are going to revise To Be (Past simple). For this purpose, students are going to be sent two different tasks: a worksheet containing exercises  and a reading activity, both dealing with the topic. These tasks have to be done through and handed in before next week lesson on Wednesday. In addition, after the lesson, a pdf document containing the key for last week exercises and important information dealt in class will be sent to the students’ emails. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to solve those doubts or questions students might have.

2º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética y 2º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

Students in this programme have already finished their course. Thus, a section will be created in Google Classroom where exercises and information about the course can be found by those students who have not passed the subject. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to solve those doubts or questions students might have.

1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

This week students are going to revise grammar and vocabulary from unit 7 of their student’s book. After yesterday video conference lesson, students were sent some exercises which they can find in These exercises have to be handed in before tomorrow video conference lesson at 14.30 as they will be corrected during it. Further information could be found in Google Classroom. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to solve those doubts or questions students might have.


Las fichas para esta semana con fecha tope de entrega el próximo lunes 11 son la 6 (suggestions); la 7 (volvemos a repasar vocabulario sobre las partes del coche); la 8 (describing position; estas expresiones las vimos cuando describimos dónde se encontraban las diferentes partes del motor); la 9 (listening sobre Fórmula 1).


Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and the information students have to know about today lessons.

1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

This week students are going to revise grammar and vocabulary of unit 7 of their student’s book. For this purpose,  in this afternoon video conference lesson students will be explained how to register in the web page From now on, some of the tasks sent to students will be done through this web page. For this week students have to do 3 worksheets they can find in, that is, they have to do worksheets number 2,3 and 4. The tasks have to be handed in before the beginning of our video conference lesson on Thursday (at 14.30 p.m.). During Thursday lesson, these tasks will be corrected. After the lesson, a pdf document will be upload to Google Classroom containing the key for the tasks and the important information dealt in class. Further information could be found in Google Classroom. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.


1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

This week students are going to start working unit 12 (pages 26 and 27) of their student’s book. Students have to translate the text in page 26 and they have to do exercises 2,3 and 4 which they can find in pages 26 and 27 respectively. The tasks have to be handed in before the beginning of our video conference lesson on Thursday (at 15.25 p.m.). During Thursday lesson, these tasks will be corrected. After the lesson, a pdf document will be upload to Google Classroom containing the key for the tasks and the important information dealt in class. In addition, students have to register in the web page as we are going to start working with this web page too. Further information could be found in Google Classroom. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.

Good afternoon to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and information students need to know about today lessons.

2º Bachillerato B

To continue revising EBAU exams, students have to do the reading activity they can find in their student’s book page 84. Students have to do exercises 1,2,3 and 5. We will correct the exercises on Wednesday lesson. In addition, students have to revise the material which was uploaded to Google Classroom on Thursday 30th of April about relative clauses. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.

1º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

Students have been sent to their emails the task for this week as they have been having some problems when connecting to Google Classroom. They have been sent a worksheet and some links explaining the grammar points of the worksheet. Students have to revise the links and they have to do the 4 exercises from the worksheet. They have to hand the task in before next Monday lesson at 10.20. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.

3º ESO D

Students are going to start revising the vocabulary from unit 1 of their student’s book. Students can find in their Google Classroom site a pdf document containing unit 1 vocabulary and some exercises. They have to translate the vocabulary included in page 86 and the exercises form page 87. The task has to be handed in before the beginning of Thursday video conference lesson at 11.45. During this lesson, the translation and exercises will be corrected.I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons to answer any question or doubt students might have.

I hope everything is going well

✷Como ya sabéis siempre pongo las taras a partir del martes, la semana del 5 al 8 de Mayo, no del 4 al 8 porque los lunes no tenemos inglés.

Martes 5

❥Grammar. Present Perfect
Student’s book p. 73, nº 7 and nº 9
📍Comprobar que habéis hecho los ejercicios de la semana pasada (Student’s book p. 70 : 1, 2 y 7 + “Liveworksheets”) los de hoy y los de la semana pasada los corregiremos en la clase de Goggle Meet, mañana.

Miércoles 6

❥Google Meet Class

Jueves 7

❥Ejercicios interactivos para repasar la gramática de la unidad 6. Present Perfect

Viernes 8

❥ Video didáctico para practicar lo aprendido esta semana.

✷ Todas las instrucciones a estas actividades se publican en Classroom, en nuestro horario de inglés.



Lunes 4

➺ Repasar la gramática de las unidades 5 y 7

➺ Hacer los ejercicios interactivos publicados en Classroom

➺ Comprobar que tenéis las actividades de la semana pasada, las corregiremos en la clase  online via Google Meet.

Martes 5 2CX / Miércoles 6 2BX

➺ Google Meet Class

Jueves 7

➺ Ver el  video didáctico “The incredibles” y anotar en vuestro cuaderno los ejemplos que observéis de los verbos modales aprendidos y sus usos.

Viernes 8

➺ Vocabulario, unidad 7 (workbook)

➺ Animal Attacks

  1. 56 ( 1, 3 and 4)

➺ Adjetives. Feelings and Qualities

  1. 58 (1, 2, 3 and 5)

➺ Google Meet Class