23rd March,2020 Tasks

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Find all the information for today courses below and for those who still have not read anything you can find all last week tasks  for the different courses in Google Classroom.


2º Bachillerato B

Good morning!!
Today we are going to revise reported speech, for this purpose we are going to work pages 62 and 63. In addition, you also have to finish the sentences we started working in class, that is, the rephrasing sentences. Let me explain better.

First, you have to watch the video in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cetrtFDN2Zg ; it is just to remind you some things about reported speech (remember you also have to copies I left you) and to have a little bit of fun.

Then, you have to do exercise 3 in page 62 and exercises 5 (you do not need the audio), 7 and living English exercise in page 63. After you finish these exercises, it is time for you to finish the rephrasing sentences we started in class. In other words, from the file I sent you on 27th of January (Rephrasing sentences) you were supposed to do sentences:4, 26, 27, 34, 45, 53, 64, 76, 81, 90, 101, 103, 109, 116, 121, 136, 140, 148, 166, 176,183 and 193.

DON’T PANIC!! I know there is a lot of work to be done, so for today you only have to sent me back the exercises on pages 62 and 63. The rephrasing sentences are HOMEWORK and you will have to send them back to me on Wednesday attached to Task 4 which will be published on the same day.
I will be available for any question you might have in our lesson time and some time after it, so ask if you have any doubt.

I hope all is well with you and your families!!



1º Mantenimiento de Vehículos (7MXV)

Buenos días;
Aquí os dejo el material que trabajaremos hoy. Primero tenéis dos videos donde explica como se forma el presente continuo en inglés y en castellano. Una vez que los hayáis visto, tenéis que hacer los ejercicios de la ficha. Haced la ficha en un folio o en vuestro cuaderno. No hace falta que copiéis los ejercicios enteros solo escribid el número o letra del ejercicio y después vais poniendo los números de las frases seguidos de la repuesta que pondríais en el hueco o huecos. Cuando lo tengáis terminado, le hacéis una foto y la mandáis a través de la sección ‘Tareas de clase’. No os olvidéis de darle a entregar tarea una vez que hayáis adjuntado la foto. Si tenéis alguna pregunta estaré en ordenador en la hora de clase para resolver cualquier duda
Un saludo y espero que todo valla bien con la cuarentena.
Video present continuous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK8fjrta0y0
Video present continuous en castellano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqT3evE9k14



3º ESO D

Good morning everybody!

Today we are going to work descriptions of photographs, go to Google Classroom and you will find all the information you have to follow so as to perform the task. As we have already done written descriptions, this time you have to do it as a speaking task. So relax and get ready to it!!!! Don’t forget I will be available in case you have any question.

I hope all is well with you and your families!!




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