Monday 11th May, 2020 Tasks

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and important information students need to know about this week lessons.

2º Bachillerato B

Apart from the EBAU exams sent on Friday, which are included in Task 13, students have been also sent a Writing task. EBAU exams will be corrected during the video conference lessons on Wednesday and on Thursday. Regarding the writing tasks students can find all the information in Google Classroom tasks 12 and 14. This task has to be handed in before Monday 18th May (at 8.30 a.m). I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons, from Monday to Friday, to answer any question or doubt students might have.

1º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

During today video conference lesson the worksheet sent last week has been corrected. Students can find the solutions for this worksheet attached to task 6. In addition, this week students are going to revise To be  (past simple). For this purpose, students have been sent to their emails and to Google Classroom task 6 different links where the whole issue is explained. Moreover, they can also find a To be (past simple) worksheet which they have to do and hand in before next Monday lesson at 10.20 a.m. I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons, from Monday to Friday, to answer any question or doubt students might have.

3º ESO D

This week students are going to revise grammar and vocabulary from units 2 and 3. In Google Classroom task 13 and in their emails, students will find two worksheets and different links where the topics for these units are explained. These two worksheets will be explained and corrected with students during the video conference lessons on Thursday and Friday. Thus, unit 2 worksheet will be corrected on Thursday and unit 3 worksheet will be corrected on Friday. Students have to do and  hand these worksheets in  before the beginning of the  video conference lessons on Thursday and Friday.I will be available during the mornings and part of the afternoons, from Monday to Friday, to answer any question or doubt students might have.

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